How to Show Up: When Opportunity Aligns With Your Vision!

Recognizing the value of the right opportunity

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Three short weeks ago, an opportunity to contribute to what would quickly become an international bestseller that shot to number one in 6 countries, presented itself. In fact, the concept for the book was birthed just hours before it was proposed to myself and 23 other incredibly gifted entrepreneurs. Saying “yes” was a no-brainer. Right away, I could see the benefits pop into my awareness like stars that suddenly appear in a blackened night sky. These “thought bubbles” included increased visibility, a further opportunity to build within a trusted community, another chance to share my story with my brand new, fully aligned branding, and to witness the whole process guided by 2 highly successful entrepreneurs. In all honesty, the bounty of blessings from my participation in this project has absolutely amazed me as they continue to unfold!

It all started with Sammy Blindell (The Brand Builder) who shared the concept around The Law of Brand Attraction in a post within her own cohesive community of brand builders. The evening before, a well-known UK publisher, Andrew Priestley, approached her with the idea of a book that would provide much needed value during the current global crisis. Given his expertise and the multitude of books he had written, along with Sammy’s own powerful network, she trusted his guarantee that a book would be ready to publish for public consumption in less than 2 weeks (It took 9 days.).

And so it was, while sitting on her boat that she calls home later that same evening, she was divinely guided as she sought ideas for the book. She quickly envisioned each of 22 entrepreneurs sharing a specific story that had birthed  some powerful branding strategies, most of which had been solidified after showing up under her tutelage in the Brand Builder’s Club. These identified entrepreneurs had already demonstrated their ability to quickly pivot under her own watchful eye and guided expertise. And so it only made sense to ask these entrepreneurs to share their specific journeys as a way to empower others to do the same. Hence, The Law of Brand Attraction began to take life, and I was fully on board with Captain Sammy at the helm!

Yes, I showed up! I had finally become a more active member of a strong community of successful entrepreneurs, and I was ready to contribute to this game changing book! With most of the co-authors living in Europe, I felt an even deeper desire to bring in my experience as a U.S. citizen. More importantly, it would increase my presence on the World stage. Global visibility had been one of the main intentions I had identified for myself in 2020. Anne Hayes/aka Mama G, The Empowerment Queen, I had decided, was ready to jump on the International Scene.

To continue, I was given another chance to courageously share my story, adding credence to my ability to serve a population of self-harming and reckless teens. My chapter further confirmed the strength of my voice and the power of my personal expression as a model for others to recognize the same. Also, I had the opportunity to demonstrate my creative intelligence in a story format that then lended itself to viable action steps for the reader as I shared my learnings!

Interestingly enough, I was supported, encouraged, and guided through the whole process which unfolded quickly, efficiently and with the greatest of ease. I was given templates, guidelines, a workbook, live demos, and constructive feedback, all within a community of energized and committed cheerleaders! We held each other accountable, provided each other with reassurance when needed, shared fun GIFs, made silly videos for each other, celebrated each other in the process, and then celebrated the victory of completion!

Amazingly,  the concept, the process, and the methods on this collective book journey were all something that I could easily duplicate with the over 100 million teens I am committed to empowering to live more positive, fulfilling lives. They perfectly align with the type of programs and projects I have created and those which I envision unfolding with time. For example, as someone with  decades of experience as a teacher, I have been naturally inclined to provide sure-fire ways to ensure student success in identified objectives and goals. For me, to be able to tell a story with the guidance of a  treasured blueprint like that with which we were provided as a contributor this book, is a valuable tool to instill confidence in the storyteller! To add to this, the power of synergy while working towards a common goal cannot be underestimated!

In fact, it is a large part of my vision to facilitate collaborative creative projects with teenagers that involve books, music albums, and the such where a cooperative effort is required. To be able to participate in just that with the Brand Builder’s Club is reassurance that it can be done, and that it  can be done with ease.  It can also be done quickly with high standards that produce dramatic results for all involved while providing tremendous value to the consumer!

As if this weren’t enough, the proceeds of the book are graciously being donated to a very special organization known as The Clear Sky Children’s Charity which essentially focuses on the mental wellness of children! Especially during this time, their supportive services are very much welcomed! Needless to say, this also aligns with my vision, as I seek to do all I can to empower happy, healthy and positive living! Furthermore, it is a goal of mine to establish my own foundation to support and empower teenagers to become leaders in their community!

To “rap” it up, because Sammy’s community gave me the courage to do so, I will rhyme on a dime, to share without the fear, this last little tidbit of a tidbit! First, know your goals; allow them to flow into your awareness with the greatest of intention to which you pay the dearest attention! Second, choose to participate in programs that activate your own planned programs. Let them be your model, your guide as a way to coddle your own rise to serve as you deserve. Finally, move beyond your nerves, and implement your intent with all the worth you have earned through your willingness to learn!

Thank you Sammy Blindell, for the opportunity to show up more and more, to clarify my vision, and to magnify my mission! You are the best!!

Thank you to Andrew Priestley for planting the seed and for your expertise!

Thank you as well to Bob Doyle and Marie Diamond for graciously accepting to be a part of this special book!

And finally, thank you to ALL the incredibly inspirational co-authors!

I love you ALL!!

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Clear Sky Children’s Charity



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The Law of Brand Attraction

By Sammy Blindell

Contributors: Bob Doyle (The Secret), Marie Diamond (The Secret), Sammy Blindell (Founder of The Brand Builders Club), Joké Hoetmer, Jennifer Louise, Jean Macdonald, Nikie Piper, Joanna Howes, Loubna Zarrou, Lara Lauder, Pete Cohen, Gayle Edwards, Amanda Frolich, Anne Hayes, Wilma van Dartel, Ruth Driscoll, Caroline Purvey, Kerry Bartley, Brigitte Keane, Ellen Loopstra, Martin Ramsden, Alice Law, Carole Fossey, Vicki Ibaugh, Sarah Cox.

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